LifeWatch EMODnet Biology Reporting Tool


Export as jpeg

Number of occurrence records per sample year

Export as jpeg

Evolution of the available occurrence records in EurOBIS

Export as jpeg

Evolution of the number of datasets EurOBIS

Export as jpeg

Overview of occurrence data

Export as csv

Overview of datasets

Export as csv

Quarterly report

  Generate a basic report based on the selected data.
Press Preview to have a look at the document before downloading.


Welcome to the LifeWatch EMODnet Biology Quarterly Reporting tool. The aim of this tool is to ease the production of quarterly reports by providing a user-friendly interface for querying and visualizing the data ingested by EMODnet Biology.
Please keep in mind that the harvest date filter is applied to the first date that the dataset was ingested by EMODnet Biology. Find more details about updated datasets in the Overview of Datasets table of the Data tab.
Feedback is more than welcomed. If you find any issue please contact
Shiny app developed by the Data Center of the Flanders Marine Institute.
